Package org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal
package org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal
ClassDescriptionSqmPathInterpretation for discriminated association (ANY) mappingsSqmPathInterpretation and DomainResultProducer implementation for entity discriminatorSomething that can produce a DomainResult as part of a SQM interpretationA computed expression that produces an embeddable valued model part.Indicates a problem performing a dynamic instantiationImplementation of ProcessingState used on its own as the impl for DML statements and as the base for QuerySpec stateSqmMapEntryResult<K,
V, R extends Map.Entry<K, V>> Interpretation of aSqmPath
as part of the translation to SQL AST.StandardSqmTranslator<T extends Statement>The standard translator for SQM to SQL ASTs.