Interface SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SynchronizationCallbackCoordinatorNonTrackingImpl, SynchronizationCallbackCoordinatorTrackingImpl

public interface SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator extends Synchronization
Manages funneling JTA Synchronization callbacks back into the Hibernate transaction engine.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called by the TransactionCoordinator to allow the SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator to process any after-completion handling that it may have delayed due to thread affinity
    Called by the TransactionCoordinator when it registers the Synchronization with the JTA system

    Methods inherited from interface jakarta.transaction.Synchronization

    afterCompletion, beforeCompletion
  • Method Details

    • synchronizationRegistered

      void synchronizationRegistered()
      Called by the TransactionCoordinator when it registers the Synchronization with the JTA system
    • processAnyDelayedAfterCompletion

      void processAnyDelayedAfterCompletion()
      Called by the TransactionCoordinator to allow the SynchronizationCallbackCoordinator to process any after-completion handling that it may have delayed due to thread affinity