Interface TransactionCoordinatorOwner

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public interface TransactionCoordinatorOwner
Models an owner of a TransactionCoordinator. Mainly used in 2 ways:
  • First to allow the coordinator to determine if its owner is still active (open, etc).
  • Second is to allow the coordinator to dispatch before and after completion events to the owner
  • Method Details

    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Is the TransactionCoordinator owner considered active?
      true indicates the owner is still active; false indicates it is not.
    • startTransactionBoundary

      default void startTransactionBoundary()
      Callback indicating recognition of entering into a transactional context whether that is explicitly via the Hibernate Transaction API or via registration of Hibernate's JTA Synchronization impl with a JTA Transaction
    • afterTransactionBegin

      void afterTransactionBegin()
      An after-begin callback from the coordinator to its owner.
    • beforeTransactionCompletion

      void beforeTransactionCompletion()
      A before-completion callback from the coordinator to its owner.
    • afterTransactionCompletion

      void afterTransactionCompletion(boolean successful, boolean delayed)
      An after-completion callback from the coordinator to its owner.
      successful - Was the transaction successful?
      delayed - Is this delayed after transaction completion call (aka after a timeout)?
    • getJdbcSessionOwner

      JdbcSessionOwner getJdbcSessionOwner()
    • setTransactionTimeOut

      void setTransactionTimeOut(int seconds)
      Set the effective transaction timeout period for the current transaction, in seconds.
      seconds - The number of seconds before a time out should occur.
    • flushBeforeTransactionCompletion

      void flushBeforeTransactionCompletion()