Class NamedTableReference

All Implemented Interfaces:
ColumnReferenceQualifier, TableReference, SqlAstNode
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NamedTableReference extends AbstractTableReference
Represents a reference to a "named" table in a query's from clause.
  • Constructor Details

    • NamedTableReference

      public NamedTableReference(String tableExpression, String identificationVariable)
    • NamedTableReference

      public NamedTableReference(String tableExpression, String identificationVariable, boolean isOptional)
  • Method Details

    • getTableExpression

      public String getTableExpression()
    • getTableId

      public String getTableId()
      Description copied from interface: TableReference
      An identifier for the table reference. May be null if this is not a named table reference.
    • setPrunedTableExpression

      public void setPrunedTableExpression(String prunedTableExpression)
    • accept

      public void accept(SqlAstWalker sqlTreeWalker)
    • getAffectedTableNames

      public List<String> getAffectedTableNames()
    • containsAffectedTableName

      public boolean containsAffectedTableName(String requestedName)
    • visitAffectedTableNames

      public Boolean visitAffectedTableNames(Function<String,Boolean> nameCollector)
    • resolveTableReference

      public TableReference resolveTableReference(NavigablePath navigablePath, String tableExpression)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnReferenceQualifier
      Like ColumnReferenceQualifier.getTableReference(NavigablePath, String, boolean), but will throw an exception if no table reference can be found, even after resolving possible table reference joins.
      navigablePath - The path for which to look up the table reference, may be null
      tableExpression - The table expression for which to look up the table reference
    • getTableReference

      public TableReference getTableReference(NavigablePath navigablePath, String tableExpression, boolean resolve)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnReferenceQualifier
      Returns the table reference for the table expression, or null if not found.
      navigablePath - The path for which to look up the table reference, may be null
      tableExpression - The table expression for which to look up the table reference
      resolve - Whether to potentially create table reference joins for this table group
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object