Interface RootTableGroupProducer

All Superinterfaces:
Bindable, JdbcMappingContainer, MappingModelExpressible, ModelPart, ModelPartContainer, TableGroupProducer
All Known Subinterfaces:
EntityMappingType, EntityPersister, InFlightEntityMappingType, Loadable, PluralAttributeMapping
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityPersister, AnonymousTupleEntityValuedModelPart, JoinedSubclassEntityPersister, MockEntityPersister, PluralAttributeMappingImpl, ProcessorSessionFactory.EntityPersister, SingleTableEntityPersister, UnionSubclassEntityPersister

public interface RootTableGroupProducer extends TableGroupProducer
Contract for things that can produce the TableGroup that is a root of a from-clause
  • Method Details

    • createRootTableGroup

      TableGroup createRootTableGroup(boolean canUseInnerJoins, NavigablePath navigablePath, String explicitSourceAlias, SqlAliasBase explicitSqlAliasBase, Supplier<Consumer<Predicate>> additionalPredicateCollectorAccess, SqlAstCreationState creationState)
      Create a root TableGroup as defined by this producer
      canUseInnerJoins - Whether inner joins can be used when creating table-references within this group
      navigablePath - The overall NavigablePath for the root
      explicitSourceAlias - The alias, if one, explicitly provided by the application for this root
      explicitSqlAliasBase - A specific SqlAliasBase to use. May be null indicating one should be created using the SqlAliasBaseGenerator from creationState
      additionalPredicateCollectorAccess - Collector for additional predicates associated with this producer
      creationState - The creation state