Interface JdbcOperationQuery

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
JdbcOperationQueryAnonBlock, JdbcOperationQueryCall, JdbcOperationQueryInsert, JdbcOperationQueryMutation
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJdbcOperationQuery, AbstractJdbcOperationQueryInsert, JdbcCallImpl, JdbcOperationQueryDelete, JdbcOperationQueryInsertImpl, JdbcOperationQueryMutationNative, JdbcOperationQuerySelect, JdbcOperationQueryUpdate

public interface JdbcOperationQuery extends JdbcOperation
Unifying contract for any SQL statement we want to execute via JDBC.
  • Method Details

    • getAffectedTableNames

      Set<String> getAffectedTableNames()
      The names of tables this operation refers to
    • dependsOnParameterBindings

      boolean dependsOnParameterBindings()
      Signals that the SQL depends on the parameter bindings e.g. due to the need for inlining of parameter values or multiValued parameters.
    • getAppliedParameters

      @Deprecated(since="7.0", forRemoval=true) Map<JdbcParameter,JdbcParameterBinding> getAppliedParameters()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      No longer called
      The parameters which were inlined into the query as literals.
    • isCompatibleWith

      boolean isCompatibleWith(JdbcParameterBindings jdbcParameterBindings, QueryOptions queryOptions)