Interface JdbcValues

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJdbcValues, JdbcValuesCacheHit, JdbcValuesResultSetImpl

public interface JdbcValues
Provides unified access to query results (JDBC values - see RowProcessingState.getJdbcValue(org.hibernate.sql.ast.spi.SqlSelection) whether they come from query cache or ResultSet. Implementations also manage any cache puts if required.
  • Method Details

    • getValuesMapping

      JdbcValuesMapping getValuesMapping()
    • usesFollowOnLocking

      boolean usesFollowOnLocking()
    • next

      boolean next(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
      Advances the "cursor position" and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
      true if there are results
    • previous

      boolean previous(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
      Advances the "cursor position" in reverse and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
      true if there are results available
    • scroll

      boolean scroll(int numberOfRows, RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
      Advances the "cursor position" the indicated number of rows and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
      numberOfRows - The number of rows to advance. This can also be negative meaning to move in reverse
      true if there are results available
    • position

      boolean position(int position, RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
      Moves the "cursor position" to the specified position
    • getPosition

      int getPosition()
    • isBeforeFirst

      boolean isBeforeFirst(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • beforeFirst

      void beforeFirst(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • isFirst

      boolean isFirst(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • first

      boolean first(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • isAfterLast

      boolean isAfterLast(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • afterLast

      void afterLast(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • isLast

      boolean isLast(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • last

      boolean last(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
    • getCurrentRowValue

      Object getCurrentRowValue(int valueIndex)
      Get the JDBC value at the given index for the row currently positioned at within this source.
      The current row's JDBC values, or null if the position is beyond the end of the available results.
    • finishRowProcessing

      void finishRowProcessing(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState, boolean wasAdded)
    • finishUp

      void finishUp(SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Give implementations a chance to finish processing
    • setFetchSize

      void setFetchSize(int fetchSize)
    • getResultCountEstimate

      int getResultCountEstimate()
      The estimate for the amount of results that can be expected for pre-sizing collections. May return zero or negative values if the count can not be reasonably estimated.