Class QueryStatisticsImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, QueryStatistics

public class QueryStatisticsImpl extends Object implements QueryStatistics
Query statistics (HQL and SQL)

Note that for a cached query, the cache miss is equals to the db count

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • QueryStatisticsImpl

      public QueryStatisticsImpl(String query)
  • Method Details

    • getExecutionCount

      public long getExecutionCount()
      queries executed to the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getCacheHitCount

      public long getCacheHitCount()
      Queries retrieved successfully from the cache
      Specified by:
      getCacheHitCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getCachePutCount

      public long getCachePutCount()
      Description copied from interface: QueryStatistics
      The number of cache puts for this query
      Specified by:
      getCachePutCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getCacheMissCount

      public long getCacheMissCount()
      Description copied from interface: QueryStatistics
      The number of cache misses for this query
      Specified by:
      getCacheMissCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getExecutionRowCount

      public long getExecutionRowCount()
      Number of lines returned by all the executions of this query (from DB) For now,} and Query.scroll() do not fill this statistic
      Specified by:
      getExecutionRowCount in interface QueryStatistics
      The number of rows cumulatively returned by the given query; stream and scroll queries do not effect this total as their number of returned rows is not known at execution time.
    • getExecutionAvgTime

      public long getExecutionAvgTime()
      average time in ms taken by the execution of this query onto the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionAvgTime in interface QueryStatistics
    • getExecutionAvgTimeAsDouble

      public double getExecutionAvgTimeAsDouble()
      average time in ms as double taken by the execution of this query onto the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionAvgTimeAsDouble in interface QueryStatistics
    • getExecutionMaxTime

      public long getExecutionMaxTime()
      max time in ms taken by the execution of this query onto the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionMaxTime in interface QueryStatistics
    • getExecutionMinTime

      public long getExecutionMinTime()
      min time in ms taken by the execution of this query onto the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionMinTime in interface QueryStatistics
    • getExecutionTotalTime

      public long getExecutionTotalTime()
      total time in ms taken by the execution of this query onto the DB
      Specified by:
      getExecutionTotalTime in interface QueryStatistics
    • getPlanCacheHitCount

      public long getPlanCacheHitCount()
      Query plan successfully fetched from the cache
      Specified by:
      getPlanCacheHitCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getPlanCacheMissCount

      public long getPlanCacheMissCount()
      Query plan not fetched from the cache
      Specified by:
      getPlanCacheMissCount in interface QueryStatistics
    • getPlanCompilationTotalMicroseconds

      public long getPlanCompilationTotalMicroseconds()
      Query plan overall compiled total
      Specified by:
      getPlanCompilationTotalMicroseconds in interface QueryStatistics
    • executed

      public void executed(long rows, long time)
      add statistics report of a DB query
      rows - rows count returned
      time - time taken
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object