Interface DomainModelDescriptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDomainModelDescriptor, AnimalDomainModel, ContactsDomainModel, GambitDomainModel, HelpDeskDomainModel, LibraryDomainModel, RetailDomainModel, UserguideDomainModel

public interface DomainModelDescriptor
Describes a standard domain model
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAnnotatedClasses

      Class[] getAnnotatedClasses()
    • applyDomainModel

      void applyDomainModel(MetadataSources sources)
      Apply the model classes to the given MetadataSources
    • getNamespace

      default String getNamespace()
      The namespace to apply the model to. This is interpreted as a catalog name or a schema name depending on the capability of the underlying database via Dialect. Would require a new Dialect method I think, though we could also leverage the driver's db-metadata to ascertain which interpretation to use which would not need any (more) test-specific Dialect feature. Note however that this might be a useful feature as well for users instead of JPA's Table.catalog() / Table.schema(). AKA, something like `@org.hibernate.annotations.Namespace("a_name")` or `@org.hibernate.annotations.Table( namespace="a_name", ... )`. This may be null indicating that the default namespace should be used. Note that domain models can use the same namespace so long as they do not share db-object (tables, etc) names
    • getMappingFeaturesUsed

      default EnumSet<MappingFeature> getMappingFeaturesUsed()
      Identifies the specific mapping features this domain model uses.