Interface InformationExtractor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInformationExtractorImpl, InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl

@Incubating public interface InformationExtractor
Contract for extracting information about objects in the database schema(s). To an extent, the contract largely mirrors parts of the JDBC DatabaseMetaData contract. THe intention is to insulate callers from DatabaseMetaData since on many databases there are better ways to get information from the meta schema.
API Note:
Concepts here taken largely from the MetaDataDialect class in Hibernate Tools.
  • Method Details

    • catalogExists

      boolean catalogExists(Identifier catalog)
      Does the given catalog exist yet?
      catalog - The name of the catalog to look for.
      true if the catalog does exist; false otherwise
    • schemaExists

      boolean schemaExists(Identifier catalog, Identifier schema)
      Does the given schema exist yet?
      catalog - The name of the catalog to look in.
      schema - The name of the schema to look for.
      true if the schema does exist; false otherwise
    • getTable

      TableInformation getTable(Identifier catalog, Identifier schema, Identifier tableName)
      Look for a matching table.
      catalog - Can be null, indicating that any catalog may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed catalog.
      schema - Can be null, indicating that any schema may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed schema .
      tableName - The name of the table to look for.
      table info for the matching table
    • getTables

      NameSpaceTablesInformation getTables(Identifier catalog, Identifier schema)
      Extract all the tables information.
      catalog - Can be null, indicating that any catalog may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed catalog.
      schema - Can be null, indicating that any schema may be considered a match. A non-null value indicates that search should be limited to the passed schema .
      a NameSpaceTablesInformation
    • getPrimaryKey

      PrimaryKeyInformation getPrimaryKey(TableInformationImpl tableInformation)
      Extract information about the given table's primary key.
      tableInformation - The table for which to locate primary key information,
      The extracted primary key information
    • getIndexes

      Iterable<IndexInformation> getIndexes(TableInformation tableInformation)
      Extract information about indexes defined against the given table. Typically called from the TableInformation itself as part of on-demand initialization of its state.
      tableInformation - The table for which to locate indexes
      The extracted index information
    • getForeignKeys

      Iterable<ForeignKeyInformation> getForeignKeys(TableInformation tableInformation)
      Extract information about foreign keys defined on the given table (targeting or point-at other tables). Typically called from the TableInformation itself as part of on-demand initialization of its state.
      tableInformation - The table for which to locate foreign-keys
      The extracted foreign-key information