Class StandardProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
Attribute, NonIdentifierAttribute

@Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public class StandardProperty extends AbstractNonIdentifierAttribute implements NonIdentifierAttribute
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Replaced by AttributeMapping
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardProperty

      public StandardProperty(String name, Type type, boolean lazy, boolean insertable, boolean updateable, boolean nullable, boolean checkable, boolean versionable, CascadeStyle cascadeStyle, FetchMode fetchMode)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Constructs NonIdentifierProperty instances.
      name - The name by which the property can be referenced within its owner.
      type - The Hibernate Type of this property.
      lazy - Should this property be handled lazily?
      insertable - Is this property an insertable value?
      updateable - Is this property an updateable value?
      nullable - Is this property a nullable value?
      cascadeStyle - The cascade style for this property's value.
      fetchMode - Any fetch mode defined for this property