Package org.hibernate

Interface Interceptor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Interceptor
Allows user code to inspect and/or change entity property values before they are written to the database, or after they are read from the database.

The Session may not be invoked from a callback (nor may a callback cause a collection or proxy to be lazily initialized).

There might be a single instance of Interceptor for a SessionFactory, or a new instance might be created for each Session. Use:

Whichever approach is used, the interceptor must be serializable for the Session to be serializable. This means that SessionFactory-scoped interceptors should implement readResolve().

This venerable callback interface, dating to the very earliest days of Hibernate, competes with JPA entity listener callbacks: PostLoad, PrePersist PreUpdate, and PreRemove.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onLoad

      default boolean onLoad(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called just before an object is initialized. The interceptor may change the state, which will be propagated to the persistent object. Note that when this method is called, entity will be an empty uninitialized instance of the class.
      entity - The entity instance being loaded
      id - The identifier value being loaded
      state - The entity state (which will be pushed into the entity instance)
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties, corresponding to the state.
      types - The types of the entity properties, corresponding to the state.
      true if the user modified the state in any way.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      API Note:
      The indexes across the state, propertyNames, and types arrays match.
    • onPersist

      default boolean onPersist(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called before an object is made persistent by a stateful session.

      The interceptor may modify the state, which will be used for the SQL INSERT and propagated to the persistent object.

      entity - The entity instance whose state is being inserted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The state of the entity which will be inserted
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      types - The types of the entity properties
      true if the user modified the state in any way.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onRemove

      default void onRemove(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called before an object is removed by a stateful session.

      It is not recommended that the interceptor modify the state.

      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The state of the entity
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      types - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onFlushDirty

      default boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Object id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called when an object is detected to be dirty, during a flush. The interceptor may modify the detected currentState, which will be propagated to both the database and the persistent object. Note that not all flushes end in actual synchronization with the database, in which case the new currentState will be propagated to the object, but not necessarily (immediately) to the database. It is strongly recommended that the interceptor not modify the previousState.
      entity - The entity instance detected as being dirty and being flushed
      id - The identifier of the entity
      currentState - The entity's current state
      previousState - The entity's previous (load time) state.
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties
      types - The types of the entity properties
      true if the user modified the currentState in any way.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
      API Note:
      The indexes across the currentState, previousState, propertyNames, and types arrays match.
    • onSave

      @Deprecated(since="6.6") default boolean onSave(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called before an object is made persistent by a stateful session.

      The interceptor may modify the state, which will be used for the SQL INSERT and propagated to the persistent object.

      entity - The entity instance whose state is being inserted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The state of the entity which will be inserted
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      types - The types of the entity properties
      true if the user modified the state in any way.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onDelete

      @Deprecated(since="6.6") default void onDelete(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException
      Called before an object is removed by a stateful session.

      It is not recommended that the interceptor modify the state.

      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The state of the entity
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      types - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onCollectionRecreate

      default void onCollectionRecreate(Object collection, Object key) throws CallbackException
      Called before a collection is (re)created.
      collection - The collection instance.
      key - The collection key value.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • onCollectionRemove

      default void onCollectionRemove(Object collection, Object key) throws CallbackException
      Called before a collection is deleted.
      collection - The collection instance.
      key - The collection key value.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • onCollectionUpdate

      default void onCollectionUpdate(Object collection, Object key) throws CallbackException
      Called before a collection is updated.
      collection - The collection instance.
      key - The collection key value.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • preFlush

      default void preFlush(Iterator<Object> entities) throws CallbackException
      Called before a flush.
      entities - The entities to be flushed.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • postFlush

      default void postFlush(Iterator<Object> entities) throws CallbackException
      Called after a flush that actually ends in execution of the SQL statements required to synchronize in-memory state with the database.
      entities - The entities that were flushed.
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • isTransient

      default Boolean isTransient(Object entity)
      Called to distinguish between transient and detached entities. The return value determines the state of the entity with respect to the current session.
      • Boolean.TRUE - the entity is transient
      • Boolean.FALSE - the entity is detached
      • null - Hibernate uses the unsaved-value mapping and other heuristics to determine if the object is unsaved
      entity - a transient or detached entity
      Boolean or null to choose default behaviour
    • findDirty

      default int[] findDirty(Object entity, Object id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
      Called from flush(). The return value determines whether the entity is updated
      • an array of property indices - the entity is dirty
      • an empty array - the entity is not dirty
      • null - use Hibernate's default dirty-checking algorithm
      entity - The entity for which to find dirty properties.
      id - The identifier of the entity
      currentState - The current entity state as taken from the entity instance
      previousState - The state of the entity when it was last synchronized (generally when it was loaded)
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      types - The types of the entity properties
      array of dirty property indices or null to indicate Hibernate should perform default behaviour
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • instantiate

      default Object instantiate(String entityName, EntityRepresentationStrategy representationStrategy, Object id) throws CallbackException
      Instantiate the entity. Return null to indicate that Hibernate should use the default constructor of the class. The identifier property of the returned instance should be initialized with the given identifier.
    • instantiate

      default Object instantiate(String entityName, RepresentationMode representationMode, Object id) throws CallbackException
      Instantiate the entity. Return null to indicate that Hibernate should use the default constructor of the class. The identifier property of the returned instance should be initialized with the given identifier.
    • getEntityName

      default String getEntityName(Object object) throws CallbackException
      Get the entity name for a persistent or transient instance.
      object - an entity instance
      the name of the entity
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • getEntity

      default Object getEntity(String entityName, Object id) throws CallbackException
      Get a fully loaded entity instance that is cached externally.
      entityName - the name of the entity
      id - the instance identifier
      a fully initialized entity
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
    • afterTransactionBegin

      default void afterTransactionBegin(Transaction tx)
      Called when a Hibernate transaction is begun via the Hibernate Transaction API. Will not be called if transactions are being controlled via some other mechanism (CMT, for example).
      tx - The Hibernate transaction facade object
    • beforeTransactionCompletion

      default void beforeTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx)
      Called before a transaction is committed (but not before rollback).
      tx - The Hibernate transaction facade object
    • afterTransactionCompletion

      default void afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx)
      Called after a transaction is committed or rolled back.
      tx - The Hibernate transaction facade object
    • onInsert

      default void onInsert(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] propertyTypes)
      Called before a record is inserted by a StatelessSession.
      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The entity state
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      propertyTypes - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onUpdate

      default void onUpdate(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] propertyTypes)
      Called before a record is updated by a StatelessSession.
      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The entity state
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      propertyTypes - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onUpsert

      default void onUpsert(Object entity, Object id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] propertyTypes)
      Called before a record is upserted by a StatelessSession.
      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      state - The entity state
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      propertyTypes - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also:
    • onDelete

      default void onDelete(Object entity, Object id, String[] propertyNames, Type[] propertyTypes)
      Called before a record is deleted by a StatelessSession.
      entity - The entity instance being deleted
      id - The identifier of the entity
      propertyNames - The names of the entity properties.
      propertyTypes - The types of the entity properties
      CallbackException - Thrown if the interceptor encounters any problems handling the callback.
      See Also: