Class EntityInsertAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ComparableExecutable>, AfterTransactionCompletionProcess, Executable, ComparableExecutable

public class EntityInsertAction extends AbstractEntityInsertAction
The action for performing an entity insertion, for entities not defined to use IDENTITY generation.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityInsertAction

      public EntityInsertAction(Object id, Object[] state, Object instance, Object version, EntityPersister persister, boolean isVersionIncrementDisabled, EventSource session)
      Constructs an EntityInsertAction.
      id - The entity identifier
      state - The current (extracted) entity state
      instance - The entity instance
      version - The current entity version value
      persister - The entity's persister
      isVersionIncrementDisabled - Whether version incrementing is disabled.
      session - The session
  • Method Details