Interface ComparableExecutable

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<ComparableExecutable>, Executable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityInsertAction, CollectionAction, CollectionRecreateAction, CollectionRemoveAction, CollectionUpdateAction, EntityAction, EntityDeleteAction, EntityIdentityInsertAction, EntityInsertAction, EntityUpdateAction, OrphanRemovalAction, QueuedOperationCollectionAction

public interface ComparableExecutable extends Executable, Comparable<ComparableExecutable>, Serializable
We frequently need the union type of Executable, Comparable of ComparableExecutable, Serializable; this interface represents such union; this helps to simplify several generic signatures. Secondarily, it helps to avoid triggering type pollution by not needing to typecheck for a very specific Comparable type; we represent the common needs to resolve sorting by exposing primary and secondary sorting attributes.
  • Method Details

    • getPrimarySortClassifier

      String getPrimarySortClassifier()
      This affect sorting order of the executables, when sorting is enabled.
      the primary sorting attribute; typically the entity name or collection role.
    • getSecondarySortIndex

      Object getSecondarySortIndex()
      This affect sorting order of the executables, when sorting is enabled.
      the secondary sorting attribute, applied when getPrimarySortClassifier matches during a comparison; typically the entity key or collection key.