Uses of Interface
Packages that use ToolingHintContainer
Uses of ToolingHintContainer in org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spi
Subinterfaces of ToolingHintContainer in org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Common interface for all entity mappings (root entity and sub-entity mappings).interface
Commonality between the various forms of plural attribute (collection) mappings:<bag/>
, etc.interface
Common interface for all sub-entity mappings.Classes in org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spi that implement ToolingHintContainerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A discriminated association where the discriminator is part of the association, not the associated entity (compared to discriminator subclass)class
Java class for ArrayType complex typeclass
Java class for BagCollectionType complex typeclass
Type definition that acts as a base for concrete definitions of mapped attributes that can function as the basis of optimistic locking.class
Java class for BasicAttributeType complex typeclass
Java class for CollectionIdType complex typeclass
A component is a user-defined class, persisted along with its containing entity to the table of the entity class.class
A composite element allows a collection to hold instances of an arbitrary class, without the requirement of joining to an entity table.class
A composite key may be modelled by a java class with a property for each key column.class
A property embedded in a composite identifier or map index (always not-null).class
A many-to-one association embedded in a composite identifier or map index (always not-null, never cascade).class
Subclass declarations are nested beneath the root class declaration to achieve polymorphic persistence with the table-per-hierarchy mapping strategy.class
Java class for EntityBaseDefinition complex typeclass
Java class for anonymous complex typeclass
Java class for IdBagCollectionType complex typeclass
Joined subclasses are used for the normalized table-per-subclass mapping strategy See the note on the class element regardingvs. class
Java class for ListType complex typeclass
Java class for ManyToManyCollectionElementType complex typeclass
Java class for ManyToOneType complex typeclass
Java class for MapType complex typeclass
Java class for OneToOneType complex typeclass
Java class for PrimitiveArrayType complex typeclass
Root entity mapping.class
Java class for SetType complex typeclass
Declares the id type, column and generation algorithm for an entity class.class
Java class for SubclassEntityBaseDefinition complex typeclass
Optimistic locking attribute based on a (last-updated) timestamp.class
Describes an XSD base type for any complex type that can contain "tooling hints".class
Union subclasses are used for the table-per-concrete-class mapping strategy See the note on the class element regardingvs. class
Optimistic locking attribute based on an incrementing value.class
Adaptive implementation of thePluralAttributeInfo
mappings which do not support all the configuration available on other collection mappings.class
Uses of ToolingHintContainer in org.hibernate.boot.model.source.internal.hbm
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.model.source.internal.hbm that implement ToolingHintContainerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PropertySource implementation handling basic attribute mappings.class
PropertySource implementation handling many-to-one attribute mappings. -
Uses of ToolingHintContainer in org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spi
Subinterfaces of ToolingHintContainer in org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spiModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Unifying contract for any JAXB types which describe an embedded (in JPA terms).