Package org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spi
package org.hibernate.boot.model.source.spi
ClassDescriptionSource information about the discriminator for an ANY mappingBase description for all discriminated associations ("any mappings"), including
, etc.An attribute path is, generally speaking, the path of attribute names back to a "root" (which is either an entity or a persistent collection).An attribute role is, generally speaking, the path of attribute names back to a "root" (which is either an entity or a persistent collection).Contract for sources of persistent attribute descriptions.Contract for a container ofAttributeSource
references.Models the caching options for an entity, natural id, or collection.Describes sources which define cascading.Contract for source information pertaining to a physical column definition specific to a particular attribute context.Common contract for composite identifiers.Contract describing source of a derived value (formula).Contract for sources of information about a mapped discriminator.Unifying contract for consuming JAXB types which describe an embeddable (in JPA terms).Represents the binding source for an "embeddable" (in JPA terms) or "composite" (in legacy Hibernate terms).Contract for things that can contain EmbeddableSource definitions.Unifying contract for any JAXB types which describe an embedded (in JPA terms).Models the source-agnostic view of an entity hierarchy.Naming information about an entity.Contract describing source of information related to mapping an entity.Describes source for attributes which can be fetched.Defines the source of filter information.Additional contract for things which describe foreign keys.Source-agnostic descriptor for explicit user-supplied Hibernate type informationCommon contract between Entity and MappedSuperclass sources.Contract describing source of identifier information for the entity.Additional contract describing the source of an identifier mapping whose nature isEntityIdentifierNature.AGGREGATED_COMPOSITE
.Additional contract describing the source of an identifier mapping whose nature isEntityIdentifierNature.NON_AGGREGATED_COMPOSITE
.The inheritance type for a given entity hierarchyDescribes in-line view source information.Models a JDBC data type.Specialization of the MetadataBuildingContext contract specific to a given origin.Describes a relationship annotated withMapsId
Defines the steps in processing metadata sources.Describes the source information related to mapping the multi-tenancy of an entityA ternary boolean enum for describing the mutability aspects of an attribute as a natural id.Contact to define if a plural attribute source is orderable or not.Describes the nature of plural attribute elements in terms of relational implications.Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural attributes) where the elements are basic typesDescribes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural attributes) where the elements are composites/embeddables.Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural attributes) where the elements are defined by Hibernate's any mappingDescribes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural attributes) where the elements are many-to-many associationDescribes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural attributes) where the elements are a one-to-many associationDescribes the nature of plural attribute indexes in terms of relational implications.Highly abstract concept of the index of an "indexed persistent collection".Describes the source mapping of plural-attribute (collection) foreign-key information.Additional source information for<map-key-many-to-many/>
.Describes source information about the key of a persistent map.Describes the nature of the collection itself as declared by the metadata.Defines the index of a persistent list/arrayUnifying interface forColumnSource
.Contract for a container ofRelationalValueSource
references.Describes possible natures of a singular attribute.Source-agnostic description of information needed to bind a singular attribute.Describes an<any/>
mappingRepresents the binding source for a singular attribute that is "embedded" or "composite".Further contract for sources of singular associations (one-to-one
).Contact to define if the source of plural attribute is sortable or not.Contract describing source of table informationContract describing source of "table specification" information.Represents a collection of "tooling hints" (<meta/>
mapping info) keyed by a name.