Interface EmbeddableSource

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeSourceContainer, ToolingHintContextContainer
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmbeddableSourceImpl, EmbeddableSourceVirtualImpl

public interface EmbeddableSource extends AttributeSourceContainer
Represents the binding source for an "embeddable" (in JPA terms) or "composite" (in legacy Hibernate terms).

Note that this really models the JPA concept of an Embedded, more than the Embeddable.

  • Method Details

    • getTypeDescriptor

      JavaTypeDescriptor getTypeDescriptor()
    • getParentReferenceAttributeName

      String getParentReferenceAttributeName()
    • isDynamic

      boolean isDynamic()
      Indicates whether this embeddable/component is dynamic (represented as a Map), or whether a dedicated class for it is available.
      true indicates that the composition is represented as a Map; false indicates there is a dedicated class for representing the composition.
    • isUnique

      boolean isUnique()