Interface Orderable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PluralAttributeElementSourceManyToManyImpl, PluralAttributeSourceBagImpl, PluralAttributeSourceIdBagImpl, PluralAttributeSourceSetImpl

public interface Orderable
Contact to define if a plural attribute source is orderable or not.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The order by clause used during loading this plural attribute.
    If the source of plural attribute is supposed to be applied the ORDER BY when loading.
  • Method Details

    • isOrdered

      boolean isOrdered()
      If the source of plural attribute is supposed to be applied the ORDER BY when loading.
      true indicates to apply the ORDER BY; false means not.
    • getOrder

      String getOrder()
      The order by clause used during loading this plural attribute.

      If the ordering element is not specified, ordering by the primary key of the associated entity is assumed

      The ORDER BY fragment used during loading this plural attribute from DB.
      See Also: