Interface SingularAttributeSource

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeSource, ToolingHintContextContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
SingularAttributeSourceAny, SingularAttributeSourceBasic, SingularAttributeSourceEmbedded, SingularAttributeSourceManyToOne, SingularAttributeSourceOneToOne, SingularAttributeSourceToOne, VersionAttributeSource
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSingularAttributeSourceEmbeddedImpl, AbstractToOneAttributeSourceImpl, CompositeIdentifierSingularAttributeSourceBasicImpl, CompositeIdentifierSingularAttributeSourceManyToOneImpl, SingularAttributeSourceAnyImpl

public interface SingularAttributeSource extends AttributeSource
Source-agnostic description of information needed to bind a singular attribute.
  • Method Details

    • isVirtualAttribute

      boolean isVirtualAttribute()
      Determine whether this is a virtual attribute or whether it physically exists on the users domain model.
      true indicates the attribute is virtual, meaning it does NOT exist on the domain model; false indicates the attribute physically exists.
    • getSingularAttributeNature

      SingularAttributeNature getSingularAttributeNature()
      Obtain the nature of this attribute type.
      The attribute type nature
    • getGenerationTiming

      GenerationTiming getGenerationTiming()
      Obtain a description of if/when the attribute value is generated by the database.
      The attribute value generation information
    • isInsertable

      Boolean isInsertable()
      Did the mapping specify that the given attribute value(s) should be inserted into the database?
      true indicates value(s) should be inserted; false indicates not.
    • isUpdatable

      Boolean isUpdatable()
      Did the mapping specify that the given attribute value(s) should be updated in the database?
      true indicates value(s) should be updated; false indicates not.
    • isBytecodeLazy

      boolean isBytecodeLazy()
      Should the attribute be lazily loaded by bytecode enhancement?
      true to indicate the attribute should be lazily loaded by bytecode enhancement?
    • getNaturalIdMutability

      NaturalIdMutability getNaturalIdMutability()
      Retrieve the natural id mutability
      The mutability, see enum for meanings