Interface NamedQueryDefinition<E>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
NamedHqlQueryDefinition<E>, NamedNativeQueryDefinition<E>, NamedProcedureCallDefinition
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNamedQueryDefinition, NamedHqlQueryDefinitionImpl, NamedNativeQueryDefinitionImpl, NamedProcedureCallDefinitionImpl

public interface NamedQueryDefinition<E> extends TypedQueryReference<E>
Common attributes shared across the mapping of named HQL, native and "callable" queries defined in annotations, orm.xml and hbm.xml
  • Method Details

    • getName

      default String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface TypedQueryReference<E>
    • getRegistrationName

      String getRegistrationName()
      The name under which the query is to be registered.
    • getResultType

      @Nullable Class<E> getResultType()
      The expected result type of the query, or null.
      Specified by:
      getResultType in interface TypedQueryReference<E>
    • resolve

      Resolve the mapping definition into its run-time memento form.
    • getLocation

      @Nullable String getLocation()
      The location at which the defining named query annotation occurs, usually a class or package name. Null for named queries declared in XML.