Interface CollectionSemantics<CE,E>

Type Parameters:
E - the collection element or map key type
CE - the type of the collection
All Known Subinterfaces:
BagSemantics<BE,E>, MapSemantics<MKV,K,V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBagSemantics, AbstractMapSemantics, AbstractSetSemantics, CustomCollectionTypeSemantics, StandardArraySemantics, StandardBagSemantics, StandardIdentifierBagSemantics, StandardListSemantics, StandardMapSemantics, StandardOrderedMapSemantics, StandardOrderedSetSemantics, StandardSetSemantics, StandardSortedMapSemantics, StandardSortedSetSemantics

@Incubating public interface CollectionSemantics<CE,E>
Each instance of this interface describes the semantics of some sort of persistent collection so that Hibernate understands how to manage the lifecycle of instances of that sort of collection.

A collection type with semantics described by a CollectionSemantics object need not be part of the Java Collections Framework.
