Class OracleBooleanJdbcType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AdjustableJdbcType, JdbcType

public class OracleBooleanJdbcType extends BooleanJdbcType
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • OracleBooleanJdbcType

      public OracleBooleanJdbcType()
  • Method Details

    • getDdlTypeCode

      public int getDdlTypeCode()
      Description copied from interface: JdbcType
      A JDBC type code that identifies the SQL column type to be used for schema generation.

      This value is passed to DdlTypeRegistry.getTypeName(int, Size, Type) to obtain the SQL column type.

      a JDBC type code
    • getCheckCondition

      public String getCheckCondition(String columnName, JavaType<?> javaType, BasicValueConverter<?,?> converter, Dialect dialect)
      Description copied from interface: JdbcType
      The check constraint that should be added to the column definition in generated DDL.
      columnName - the name of the column
      javaType - the JavaType of the mapped column
      converter - the converter, if any, or null
      dialect - the SQL Dialect
      a check constraint condition or null