Class Oracle12LimitHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Oracle12LimitHandler extends AbstractLimitHandler
A LimitHandler for databases which support the ANSI SQL standard syntax FETCH FIRST m ROWS ONLY and OFFSET n ROWS FETCH NEXT m ROWS ONLY.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • processSql

      public String processSql(String sql, Limit limit, QueryOptions queryOptions)
    • processSql

      protected String processSql(String sql, boolean hasFirstRow, boolean hasMaxRows, LockOptions lockOptions)
    • processSqlOffsetFetch

      protected String processSqlOffsetFetch(String sql, boolean hasFirstRow, boolean hasMaxRows)
    • processSql

      protected String processSql(String sql, int forUpdateIndex, boolean hasFirstRow, boolean hasMaxRows)
    • supportsLimit

      public final boolean supportsLimit()
      Description copied from interface: LimitHandler
      Does this handler support limiting query results?
      Specified by:
      supportsLimit in interface LimitHandler
      supportsLimit in class AbstractLimitHandler
      True if this handler supports limit alone.
    • supportsOffset

      public boolean supportsOffset()
      Description copied from interface: LimitHandler
      Does this handler support offsetting query results without also specifying a limit?
      Specified by:
      supportsOffset in interface LimitHandler
      supportsOffset in class AbstractLimitHandler
      True if this handler supports offset alone.
    • bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder

      public boolean bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLimitHandler
      Usually, the offset comes before the limit, but occasionally the offset is specified after the limit. Does this dialect require us to bind the parameters in reverse order?
      bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder in class AbstractLimitHandler
      true if the correct order is limit then offset
    • useMaxForLimit

      public boolean useMaxForLimit()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLimitHandler
      Does the limit clause expect the number of the last row, or the "page size", the maximum number of rows we want to receive? Hibernate's Query.setMaxResults(int) accepts the page size, so the number of the last row is obtained by adding the number of the first row, which is one greater than Query.setFirstResult(int).
      useMaxForLimit in class AbstractLimitHandler
      true if the limit clause expects the number of the last row, false if it expects the page size