Class ForeignKeys


public final class ForeignKeys extends Object
Algorithms related to foreign key constraint transparency
  • Method Details

    • isNotTransient

      public static boolean isNotTransient(String entityName, Object entity, Boolean assumed, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Is this instance persistent or detached?

      If assumed is non-null, don't hit the database to make the determination, instead assume that value; the client code must be prepared to "recover" in the case that this assumed result is incorrect.

      entityName - The name of the entity
      entity - The entity instance
      assumed - The assumed return value, if avoiding database hit is desired
      session - The session
      true if the given entity is not transient (meaning it is either detached/persistent)
    • isTransient

      public static boolean isTransient(String entityName, Object entity, @Nullable Boolean assumed, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Is this instance, which we know is not persistent, actually transient?

      If assumed is non-null, don't hit the database to make the determination, instead assume that value; the client code must be prepared to "recover" in the case that this assumed result is incorrect.

      entityName - The name of the entity
      entity - The entity instance
      assumed - The assumed return value, if avoiding database hit is desired
      session - The session
      true if the given entity is transient (unsaved)
    • getEntityIdentifierIfNotUnsaved

      public static Object getEntityIdentifierIfNotUnsaved(String entityName, Object object, SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws TransientObjectException
      Return the identifier of the persistent or transient object, or throw an exception if the instance is "unsaved"

      Used by OneToOneType and ManyToOneType to determine what id value should be used for an object that may or may not be associated with the session. This does a "best guess" using any/all info available to use (not just the EntityEntry).

      entityName - The name of the entity
      object - The entity instance
      session - The session
      The identifier
      TransientObjectException - if the entity is transient (does not yet have an identifier)
    • getEntityIdentifier

      public static Object getEntityIdentifier(String entityName, Object object, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
    • findNonNullableTransientEntities

      public static NonNullableTransientDependencies findNonNullableTransientEntities(String entityName, Object entity, Object[] values, boolean isEarlyInsert, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Find all non-nullable references to entities that have not yet been inserted in the database, where the foreign key is a reference to an unsaved transient entity. .
      entityName - - the entity name
      entity - - the entity instance
      values - - insertable properties of the object (including backrefs), possibly with substitutions
      isEarlyInsert - - true if the entity needs to be executed as soon as possible (e.g., to generate an ID)
      session - - the session
      the transient unsaved entity dependencies that are non-nullable, or null if there are none.