Class OneToOneType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AssociationType, Type
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OneToOneType extends EntityType
A one-to-one association to an entity
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OneToOneType

      public OneToOneType(TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration, String referencedEntityName, ForeignKeyDirection foreignKeyType, boolean referenceToPrimaryKey, String uniqueKeyPropertyName, boolean lazy, boolean unwrapProxy, String entityName, String propertyName, boolean constrained)
    • OneToOneType

      public OneToOneType(OneToOneType original, String superTypeEntityName)
  • Method Details

    • getPropertyName

      public String getPropertyName()
      getPropertyName in class EntityType
    • isNull

      public boolean isNull(Object owner, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      isNull in class EntityType
    • getColumnSpan

      public int getColumnSpan(MappingContext session) throws MappingException
      Description copied from interface: Type
      How many columns are used to persist this type?

      Always the same as getSqlTypCodes(mappingContext).length.

      session - The mapping Context object MappingContext
      The number of columns
      MappingException - Generally indicates an issue accessing the passed mappingContext object.
    • getSqlTypeCodes

      public int[] getSqlTypeCodes(MappingContext mappingContext)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Return the JDBC types codes as defined by Types or SqlTypes for the columns mapped by this type.

      The number of elements in this array must match the return from Type.getColumnSpan(org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping).

      mappingContext - The mapping context MappingContext :/
      The JDBC type codes.
    • toColumnNullness

      public boolean[] toColumnNullness(Object value, MappingContext mapping)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Given an instance of the type, return an array of boolean values indicating which mapped columns would be null.
      value - an instance of the type
      mapping - The mapping context MappingContext
      array indicating column nullness for a value instance
    • nullSafeSet

      public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, boolean[] settable, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Bind a value represented by an instance of the mapped class to the given JDBC PreparedStatement, ignoring some columns as dictated by the settable parameter. Implementors should handle the possibility of null values. A multi-column type should bind parameters starting from index.
      Specified by:
      nullSafeSet in interface Type
      nullSafeSet in class EntityType
      st - The JDBC prepared statement to which to bind
      value - the object to write
      index - starting parameter bind index
      settable - an array indicating which columns to bind/ignore
      session - The originating session
    • isOneToOne

      public boolean isOneToOne()
      Description copied from class: EntityType
      Is the association modeled here defined as a 1-1 in the database (physical model)?
      Specified by:
      isOneToOne in class EntityType
      True if a 1-1 in the database; false otherwise.
    • isDirty

      public boolean isDirty(Object old, Object current, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?
      Specified by:
      isDirty in interface Type
      isDirty in class AbstractType
      old - the old value
      current - the current value
      session - The session from which the request originated.
      true if the field is dirty
    • isDirty

      public boolean isDirty(Object old, Object current, boolean[] checkable, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current value?
      old - the old value
      current - the current value
      checkable - An array of booleans indicating which columns making up the value are actually checkable
      session - The session from which the request originated.
      true if the field is dirty
    • isModified

      public boolean isModified(Object old, Object current, boolean[] checkable, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Has the value been modified compared to the current database state? The difference between this and the Type.isDirty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor) methods is that here we need to account for "partially" built values. This is really only an issue with association types. For most type implementations it is enough to simply delegate to Type.isDirty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor).
      Specified by:
      isModified in interface Type
      isModified in class AbstractType
      old - the database state, in a "hydrated" form, with identifiers unresolved
      current - the current state of the object
      checkable - which columns are actually checkable
      session - The session from which the request originated.
      true if the field has been modified
    • getForeignKeyDirection

      public ForeignKeyDirection getForeignKeyDirection()
      Description copied from interface: AssociationType
      Get the foreign key directionality of this association
    • isNullable

      public boolean isNullable()
      Description copied from class: EntityType
      The nullability of the property.
      Specified by:
      isNullable in class EntityType
      The nullability of the property.
    • useLHSPrimaryKey

      public boolean useLHSPrimaryKey()
      Description copied from interface: AssociationType
      Is the primary key of the owning entity table to be used in the join?
    • disassemble

      public Serializable disassemble(Object value, SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object owner)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Return a disassembled representation of the object. This is the representation that is stored in the second-level cache.

      A reference to an associated entity should be disassembled to its primary key value.

      Specified by:
      disassemble in interface Type
      disassemble in class AbstractType
      value - the value to cache
      session - the originating session
      owner - optional parent entity object (needed for collections)
      the disassembled, deep cloned state
    • disassemble

      public Serializable disassemble(Object value, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory)
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Return a disassembled representation of the object. This is the representation that is stored in the second-level cache.

      A reference to an associated entity should be disassembled to its primary key value.

      A high-quality implementation of this method should ensure that:

       Objects.equals(disassemble(x,s), disassemble(y,s)) == isEqual(x,y,sf)

      and that:

       Objects.equals(x, assemble(disassemble(x,s),s,o))

      That is, the implementation must be consistent with Type.isEqual(Object, Object, SessionFactoryImplementor) and with Type.assemble(Serializable, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object).

      Specified by:
      disassemble in interface Type
      disassemble in class AbstractType
      value - the value to cache
      sessionFactory - the session factory
      the disassembled, deep cloned state
    • assemble

      public Object assemble(Serializable oid, SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object owner) throws HibernateException
      Description copied from interface: Type
      Reconstruct the object from its disassembled state. This function is the inverse of Type.disassemble(Object, SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object).
      Specified by:
      assemble in interface Type
      assemble in class AbstractType
      oid - the disassembled state from the cache
      session - the originating session
      owner - the parent entity object
      the (re)assembled object
      HibernateException - An error from Hibernate
    • isAlwaysDirtyChecked

      public boolean isAlwaysDirtyChecked()
      We don't need to dirty check one-to-one because of how assemble/disassemble is implemented and because a one-to-one association is never dirty