Interface Batch

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Incubating public interface Batch
Represents a batch of statements to be executed together.

Unlike in JDBC, here we add the ability to batch together multiple statements at a time. In the underlying JDBC this correlates to multiple PreparedStatement objects, one for each DML string, all maintained within the batch.

A batch is usually associated with a JdbcCoordinator.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      BatchKey getKey()
      Retrieves the object being used to key (uniquely identify) this batch.
      The batch key.
    • addObserver

      void addObserver(BatchObserver observer)
      Adds an observer to this batch.
      observer - The batch observer.
    • getStatementGroup

      PreparedStatementGroup getStatementGroup()
    • addToBatch

      void addToBatch(JdbcValueBindings jdbcValueBindings, TableInclusionChecker inclusionChecker)
      Apply the value bindings to the batch JDBC statements and indicates completion of the current part of the batch.
    • addToBatch

      void addToBatch(JdbcValueBindings jdbcValueBindings, TableInclusionChecker inclusionChecker, Batch.StaleStateMapper staleStateMapper)
      Apply the value bindings to the batch JDBC statements and indicates completion of the current part of the batch.
    • execute

      void execute()
      Execute this batch.
    • release

      void release()
      Used to indicate that the batch instance is no longer needed and that, therefore, it can release its resources.