Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.engine.jdbc
Some SPIs related to DDL generation and schema management.
This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Hibernate.
Support for temporary tables.
Support for various aspects of JDBC interaction.
Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction
SPI contracts supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
Defines the event types and event listener interfaces for events produced by the stateful Session.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping model.
Defines the runtime mapping metamodel, which describes the mapping of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes) to relational database objects (tables, columns).
A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.
Contracts for reading and writing values to and from JDBC.
Defines handling of almost the full range of standard JDBC-defined SQL data types.
An API for working with abstract families of DDL types parameterized by varying length, precision, and scale.
Includes several general-purpose implementations of DdlType.
Defines a registry for DdlTypes.