Interface SelfDirtinessTracker

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public interface SelfDirtinessTracker extends PrimeAmongSecondarySupertypes
Contract for an entity to report that it tracks the dirtiness of its own state, as opposed to needing Hibernate to perform state-diff dirty calculations.

Entity classes are free to implement this contract themselves. This contract is also introduced into the entity when using bytecode enhancement and requesting that entities track their own dirtiness.

  • Method Details

    • $$_hibernate_hasDirtyAttributes

      boolean $$_hibernate_hasDirtyAttributes()
      Have any of the entity's persistent attributes changed?
      true indicates one or more persistent attributes have changed; false indicates none have changed.
    • $$_hibernate_getDirtyAttributes

      String[] $$_hibernate_getDirtyAttributes()
      Retrieve the names of all the persistent attributes whose values have changed.
      An array of changed persistent attribute names
    • $$_hibernate_trackChange

      void $$_hibernate_trackChange(String attributes)
      Adds persistent attribute to the set of values that have changed
    • $$_hibernate_clearDirtyAttributes

      void $$_hibernate_clearDirtyAttributes()
      Clear the stored dirty attributes
    • $$_hibernate_suspendDirtyTracking

      void $$_hibernate_suspendDirtyTracking(boolean suspend)
      Temporarily enable / disable dirty tracking
    • $$_hibernate_getCollectionTracker

      CollectionTracker $$_hibernate_getCollectionTracker()
      Get access to the CollectionTracker
    • asSelfDirtinessTracker

      default SelfDirtinessTracker asSelfDirtinessTracker()
      Special internal contract to optimize type checking
      Specified by:
      asSelfDirtinessTracker in interface PrimeAmongSecondarySupertypes
      this same instance
      See Also: