Annotation Interface AuditOverride

The AuditingOverride annotation is used to override the auditing behavior of a superclass or single property inherited from MappedSuperclass type, or attribute inside an embedded component.
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    New AuditJoinTable used for this field (or property).
    Specifies class which field (or property) mapping is being overridden.
    Indicates if the field (or property) is audited; defaults to true.
    Name of the field (or property) whose mapping is being overridden.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      Name of the field (or property) whose mapping is being overridden. Allows empty value if AuditOverride is used to change auditing behavior of all attributes inherited from MappedSuperclass type.
    • isAudited

      boolean isAudited
      Indicates if the field (or property) is audited; defaults to true.
    • auditJoinTable

      AuditJoinTable auditJoinTable
      New AuditJoinTable used for this field (or property). Its value is ignored if isAudited() equals to false.
    • forClass

      Class forClass
      Specifies class which field (or property) mapping is being overridden. Required if AuditOverride is used to change auditing behavior of attributes inherited from MappedSuperclass type.