Annotation Interface Audited

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) public @interface Audited
When applied to a class, indicates that all of its properties should be audited. When applied to a field, indicates that this field should be audited.
  • Element Details

    • targetAuditMode

      RelationTargetAuditMode targetAuditMode
      Specifies if the entity that is the target of the relation should be audited or not. If not, then when reading a historic version an audited entity, the relation will always point to the "current" entity. This is useful for dictionary-like entities, which don't change and don't need to be audited.
    • targetNotFoundAction

      Specifies if the entity that is the relation target isn't found, how should the system react. The default is to use the behavior configured based on the system property: EnversSettings.GLOBAL_RELATION_NOT_FOUND_LEGACY_FLAG. When the configuration property is true, this is to use the legacy behavior which implies that the system should throw the EntityNotFoundException errors unless the user has explicitly specified the value RelationTargetNotFoundAction.IGNORE. When the configuration property is false, this is to use the new behavior which implies that the system should ignore the EntityNotFoundException errors unless the user has explicitly specified the value RelationTargetNotFoundAction.ERROR.
    • auditParents

      @Deprecated Class[] auditParents
      Use @AuditOverride(forClass=SomeEntity.class) instead.
      Specifies the superclasses for which properties should be audited, even if the superclasses are not annotated with Audited. Causes all properties of the listed classes to be audited, just as if the classes had Audited annotation applied on the class level.

      The scope of this functionality is limited to the class hierarchy of the annotated entity.

      If a parent type lists any of its parent types using this attribute, all properties in the specified classes will also be audited.

    • withModifiedFlag

      boolean withModifiedFlag
      Should a modification flag be stored for each property in the annotated class or for the annotated property. The flag stores information if a property has been changed at a given revision. This can be used for example in queries.
    • modifiedColumnName

      String modifiedColumnName
      The column name of the modified field. Analogous to the name attribute of the @Column annotation. Ignored if withModifiedFlag is false.