Class Parameters


public class Parameters extends Object
Parameters of a query, built using QueryBuilder.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • deepCopy

      public Parameters deepCopy()
    • addSubParameters

      public Parameters addSubParameters(String newConnective)
      Adds sub-parameters with a new connective. That is, the parameters will be grouped in parentheses in the generated query, e.g.: ... and (exp1 or exp2) and ..., assuming the old connective is "and", and the new connective is "or".
      newConnective - New connective of the parameters.
      Sub-parameters with the given connective.
    • addNegatedParameters

      public Parameters addNegatedParameters()
      Adds negated parameters, by default with the "and" connective. These paremeters will be grouped in parentheses in the generated query and negated, e.g. ... not (exp1 and exp2) ...
      Negated sub paremters.
    • addNullRestriction

      public void addNullRestriction(String propertyName, boolean addAlias)
      Adds IS NULL restriction.
      propertyName - Property name.
      addAlias - Positive if an alias to property name shall be added.
    • addNullRestriction

      public void addNullRestriction(String alias, String propertyName)
      Adds IS NULL restriction.
      alias - the alias which should be added to the property name.
      propertyName - Property name.
    • addNotNullRestriction

      public void addNotNullRestriction(String propertyName, boolean addAlias)
      Adds IS NOT NULL restriction.
      propertyName - Property name.
      addAlias - Positive if an alias to property name shall be added.
    • addNotNullRestriction

      public void addNotNullRestriction(String alias, String propertyName)
      Adds IS NOT NULL restriction.
      alias - the alias which should be added to the property name.
      propertyName - Property name.
    • addWhere

      public void addWhere(String left, boolean addAliasLeft, String op, String right, boolean addAliasRight)
    • addWhere

      public void addWhere(String aliasLeft, String left, String op, String aliasRight, String right)
    • addWhereWithFunction

      public void addWhereWithFunction(String alias, String left, String leftFunction, String op, Object paramValue)
    • addWhereWithParam

      public void addWhereWithParam(String left, String op, Object paramValue)
    • addWhereWithParam

      public void addWhereWithParam(String alias, String left, String op, Object paramValue)
    • addWhereWithParam

      public void addWhereWithParam(String left, boolean addAlias, String op, Object paramValue)
    • addWhereWithNamedParam

      public void addWhereWithNamedParam(String left, String op, String paramName)
    • addWhereWithNamedParam

      public void addWhereWithNamedParam(String left, boolean addAlias, String op, String paramName)
    • addWhereWithParams

      public void addWhereWithParams(String alias, String left, String opStart, Object[] paramValues, String opEnd)
    • addWhere

      public void addWhere(String left, boolean addAlias, String op, QueryBuilder right)
    • addWhere

      public void addWhere(String leftAlias, String left, String op, QueryBuilder right)
    • addWhereOrNullRestriction

      public void addWhereOrNullRestriction(String left, boolean addAliasLeft, String op, String right, boolean addAliasRight)
      Add where clause with a null restriction: (left = right or (left is null and right is null))
      left - Left property name.
      addAliasLeft - Whether to add the alias to the left property.
      op - The operator.
      right - Right property name.
      addAliasRight - Whether to add the alias to the right property.
    • addWhereWithFunction

      public void addWhereWithFunction(Configuration configuration, Map<String,String> aliasToEntityNameMap, Map<String,String> aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap, AuditFunction function, String op, Object value)
      Add where clause with a function call on the left and a scalar value on the right.
      configuration - the configuration.
      aliasToEntityNameMap - alias to entity name map, never null
      aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap - alias to component property name map, never null
      function - the function.
      op - the operator.
      value - the scalar value.
    • addWhereWithFunction

      public void addWhereWithFunction(Configuration configuration, Map<String,String> aliasToEntityNameMap, Map<String,String> aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap, AuditFunction function, String op, String aliasRight, String right)
      Add a where clause with a function call on the left and an optionally aliased property on the right.
      configuration - the configuration.
      aliasToEntityNameMap - alias to entity name map, never null
      aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap - alias to component property name map, never null
      function - the function.
      op - the operator.
      aliasRight - the optional alias of the right property, may be null
      right - the property.
    • addWhereWithFunction

      public void addWhereWithFunction(Configuration configuration, Map<String,String> aliasToEntityNameMap, Map<String,String> aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap, String aliasLeft, String left, String op, AuditFunction function)
      Adds a where clause with a left (optionally aliased) property and a function call on the right side.
      configuration - the configuration.
      aliasToEntityNameMap - alias to entity name map, never null
      aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap - alias to component property name map, never null
      aliasLeft - the optional alias of the left property, may be null
      left - the property.
      op - the operator.
      function - the function.
    • addWhereWithFunction

      public void addWhereWithFunction(Configuration configuration, Map<String,String> aliasToEntityNameMap, Map<String,String> aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap, AuditFunction left, String op, AuditFunction right)
      Adds a where clause with a function call on both the left and right of the predicate.
      configuration - the configuration.
      aliasToEntityNameMap - alias to entity name map, never null
      aliasToComponentPropertyNameMap - alias to component property name map, never null
      left - the left-side function.
      op - the operator.
      right - the right-side function.
    • addEntityTypeRestriction

      public void addEntityTypeRestriction(String alias, String entityName)