Interface ConnectionInfoLogger

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@MessageLogger(projectCode="HHH") @ValidIdRange(min=10001001, max=10001500) public interface ConnectionInfoLogger extends org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Static access to the logging instance
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    ignoredSetting(String setting, Class<?> provider)
    logConnectionInfoDetails(String databaseConnectionInfo)

    Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger

    debug, debug, debug, debug, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, error, error, error, error, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, info, info, info, info, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, isDebugEnabled, isEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isTraceEnabled, log, log, log, log, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, trace, trace, trace, trace, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, warn, warn, warn, warn, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • usingHibernateBuiltInConnectionPool

      @LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(value="Using built-in connection pool (not intended for production use)", id=10001002) void usingHibernateBuiltInConnectionPool()
    • logConnectionInfoDetails

      @LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(value="Database info:\n%s", id=10001005) void logConnectionInfoDetails(String databaseConnectionInfo)
    • jdbcDriverNotSpecified

      @LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=10001006, value="No JDBC Driver class was specified by property \'jakarta.persistence.jdbc.driver\', \'javax.persistence.jdbc.driver\', or \'hibernate.connection.driver_class\'") void jdbcDriverNotSpecified()
    • cleaningUpConnectionPool

      @LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(value="Cleaning up connection pool [%s]", id=10001008) void cleaningUpConnectionPool(String info)
    • unableToClosePooledConnection

      @LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(value="Problem closing pooled connection", id=10001009) void unableToClosePooledConnection(@Cause SQLException e)
    • unableToDestroyConnectionPool

      @LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(value="Could not destroy connection pool", id=10001010) void unableToDestroyConnectionPool(@Cause Exception e)
    • unableToInstantiateConnectionPool

      @LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(value="Could not instantiate connection pool", id=10001011) void unableToInstantiateConnectionPool(@Cause Exception e)
    • configureConnectionPool

      @LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(value="Configuring connection pool [%s]", id=10001012) void configureConnectionPool(String type)
    • ignoredSetting

      @LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(value="Ignoring setting \'%s\' for connection provider [%s]", id=10001013) void ignoredSetting(String setting, Class<?> provider)