Interface MultiNaturalIdLoader<E>

Type Parameters:
E - The entity Java type
All Superinterfaces:
EntityLoader, EntityMultiLoader<E>, Loader, MultiKeyLoader
All Known Implementing Classes:
MultiNaturalIdLoaderArrayParam, MultiNaturalIdLoaderInPredicate

public interface MultiNaturalIdLoader<E> extends EntityMultiLoader<E>
Loader for entities by multiple natural-ids
  • Method Details

    • multiLoad

      <K> List<E> multiLoad(K[] naturalIds, MultiNaturalIdLoadOptions options, SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
      Load multiple entities by natural-id. The exact result depends on the passed options.
      Type Parameters:
      K - The basic form for a natural-id is a Map of its attribute values, or an array of the values positioned according to "attribute ordering". Simple natural-ids can also be expressed by their simple (basic/embedded) type.
      naturalIds - The natural-ids to load. The values of this array will depend on whether the natural-id is simple or complex.