Interface AttributeMetadata<X,Y>

Type Parameters:
X - The attribute owner type
Y - The attribute type.
All Known Subinterfaces:
PluralAttributeMetadata<O,C,E>, SingularAttributeMetadata<X,Y>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAttributeMetadata, SingularAttributeMetadataImpl

public interface AttributeMetadata<X,Y>
Basic contract for describing an attribute.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Retrieve the name of the attribute
      The attribute name
    • getMember

      Member getMember()
      Retrieve the member defining the attribute
      The attribute member
    • getJavaType

      Class<Y> getJavaType()
      Retrieve the attribute java type.
      The java type of the attribute.
    • getAttributeClassification

      AttributeClassification getAttributeClassification()
      Get the classification for this attribute
    • getOwnerType

      ManagedDomainType<X> getOwnerType()
      Retrieve the attribute owner's metamodel information
      The metamodel information for the attribute owner
    • getPropertyMapping

      Property getPropertyMapping()
      Retrieve the Hibernate property mapping related to this attribute.
      The Hibernate property mapping
    • isPlural

      boolean isPlural()
      Is the attribute plural (a collection)?
      True if it is plural, false otherwise.