Interface ManagedMappingType

All Superinterfaces:
Bindable, FetchableContainer, JdbcMappingContainer, MappingModelExpressible, MappingType, ModelPart, ModelPartContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
EmbeddableMappingType, EntityMappingType, EntityPersister, InFlightEntityMappingType, NonAggregatedIdentifierMapping.IdentifierValueMapper
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEmbeddableMapping, AbstractEntityPersister, AnonymousTupleEmbeddableValuedModelPart, AnonymousTupleEmbeddedEntityIdentifierMapping, AnonymousTupleEntityValuedModelPart, AnonymousTupleNonAggregatedEntityIdentifierMapping, EmbeddableMappingTypeImpl, IdClassEmbeddable, JoinedSubclassEntityPersister, MockEntityPersister, ProcessorSessionFactory.EntityPersister, SingleTableEntityPersister, UnionSubclassEntityPersister, VirtualIdEmbeddable

public interface ManagedMappingType extends MappingType, FetchableContainer
Mapping-model corollary to ManagedType
  • Method Details

    • getJavaType

      default JavaType<?> getJavaType()
      Description copied from interface: ModelPart
      The Java type for this part. Generally equivalent to MappingType.getMappedJavaType() relative to ModelPart.getPartMappingType()
      Specified by:
      getJavaType in interface ModelPart
    • getPartMappingType

      default MappingType getPartMappingType()
      Description copied from interface: ModelPart
      The type for this part.
      Specified by:
      getPartMappingType in interface ModelPart
    • getNumberOfAttributeMappings

      int getNumberOfAttributeMappings()
      Get the number of attributes defined on this class and any supers
    • getAttributeMapping

      AttributeMapping getAttributeMapping(int position)
      Retrieve an attribute by its contributor position
    • findAttributeMapping

      default AttributeMapping findAttributeMapping(String name)
      Find an attribute by name.
      The named attribute, or null if no match was found
    • getAttributeMappings

      AttributeMappingsList getAttributeMappings()
      Get access to the attributes defined on this class and any supers
    • forEachAttributeMapping

      void forEachAttributeMapping(Consumer<? super AttributeMapping> action)
      Visit attributes defined on this class and any supers
    • forEachAttributeMapping

      default void forEachAttributeMapping(IndexedConsumer<? super AttributeMapping> consumer)
      Visit attributes defined on this class and any supers
    • getValues

      Object[] getValues(Object instance)
      Extract the individual attribute values from the entity instance
    • getValue

      default Object getValue(Object instance, int position)
      Extract a specific attribute value from the entity instance, by position
    • setValues

      void setValues(Object instance, Object[] resolvedValues)
      Inject the attribute values into the entity instance
    • setValue

      default void setValue(Object instance, int position, Object value)
      Inject a specific attribute value into the entity instance, by position
    • anyRequiresAggregateColumnWriter

      default boolean anyRequiresAggregateColumnWriter()
    • hasPartitionedSelectionMapping

      default boolean hasPartitionedSelectionMapping()
      Specified by:
      hasPartitionedSelectionMapping in interface ModelPart
    • isAffectedByEnabledFilters

      default boolean isAffectedByEnabledFilters(Set<ManagedMappingType> visitedTypes, LoadQueryInfluencers influencers, boolean onlyApplyForLoadByKey)