Interface AttributeContainer.InFlightAccess<J>

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface AttributeContainer.InFlightAccess<J>
Used during creation of the type
  • Method Details

    • addAttribute

      void addAttribute(PersistentAttribute<J,?> attribute)
    • applyIdAttribute

      default void applyIdAttribute(SingularPersistentAttribute<J,?> idAttribute)
      Callback used when we have a singular id attribute of some form - either a simple id or an aggregated composite id (EmbeddedId)
    • applyNonAggregatedIdAttributes

      default void applyNonAggregatedIdAttributes(Set<SingularPersistentAttribute<? super J,?>> idAttributes, EmbeddableDomainType<?> idClassType)
    • applyIdClassAttributes

      default void applyIdClassAttributes(Set<SingularPersistentAttribute<? super J,?>> idClassAttributes)
      todo (6.0) : we still need to implement this properly and the contract may change - specifically I am not certain we will be able to re-use `SingularPersistentAttribute` because of its dependence on declaring-type, etc that we may not be able to do
    • applyVersionAttribute

      default void applyVersionAttribute(SingularPersistentAttribute<J,?> versionAttribute)
    • applyNaturalIdAttribute

      default void applyNaturalIdAttribute(PersistentAttribute<J,?> versionAttribute)
    • addConcreteGenericAttribute

      default void addConcreteGenericAttribute(PersistentAttribute<J,?> idAttribute)
    • finishUp

      void finishUp()
      Called when configuration of the type is complete