Interface PersisterFactory

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, Service
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PersisterFactory extends Service
Contract for creating persister instances (both EntityPersister and CollectionPersister varieties).
  • Method Details

    • createEntityPersister

      EntityPersister createEntityPersister(PersistentClass entityBinding, EntityDataAccess entityCacheAccessStrategy, NaturalIdDataAccess naturalIdCacheAccessStrategy, RuntimeModelCreationContext creationContext)
      Create an entity persister instance.
      entityBinding - The mapping information describing the entity
      entityCacheAccessStrategy - The cache access strategy for the entity region
      naturalIdCacheAccessStrategy - The cache access strategy for the entity's natural-id cross-ref region
      creationContext - Access to additional information needed to create the EntityPersister
    • createCollectionPersister

      CollectionPersister createCollectionPersister(Collection collectionBinding, CollectionDataAccess cacheAccessStrategy, RuntimeModelCreationContext creationContext)
      Create a collection persister instance.
      collectionBinding - The mapping information describing the collection
      cacheAccessStrategy - The cache access strategy for the collection region
      creationContext - Access to additional information needed to create an EntityPersister