Interface JpaCriteriaInsertValues<T>

All Superinterfaces:
CommonAbstractCriteria, JpaCriteriaBase, JpaCriteriaInsert<T>, JpaCriteriaNode, JpaCteContainer, JpaManipulationCriteria<T>, JpaQueryableCriteria<T>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

@Incubating public interface JpaCriteriaInsertValues<T> extends JpaCriteriaInsert<T>
A representation of SqmInsertValuesStatement at the org.hibernate.query.criteria level, even though JPA does not define support for insert-values criteria.
See Also:
API Note:
Incubating mainly for 2 purposes:
  • to decide how to handle the typing for the "selection part". Should it be <T> or <X>. For the time being we expose it as <T> because that is what was done (without intention) originally, and it is the easiest form to validate
  • Would be better to expose non-SQM contracts here