Interface JpaFunctionFrom<O,T>

All Superinterfaces:
Expression<T>, FetchParent<O,T>, From<O,T>, JpaCriteriaNode, JpaExpression<T>, JpaFetchParent<O,T>, JpaFrom<O,T>, JpaPath<T>, JpaSelection<T>, JpaTupleElement<T>, Path<T>, Selection<T>, Serializable, TupleElement<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
JpaFunctionJoin<E>, JpaFunctionRoot<E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
SqmFunctionJoin, SqmFunctionRoot

@Incubating public interface JpaFunctionFrom<O,T> extends JpaFrom<O,T>
  • Method Details

    • getFunction

      JpaSetReturningFunction<T> getFunction()
      The function for this from node.
    • index

      The expression referring to an iteration variable, indexing the rows produced by the function. This is the equivalent of the SQL with ordinality clause.