Class BasicDotIdentifierConsumer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BasicDotIdentifierConsumer extends Object implements DotIdentifierConsumer
A DotIdentifierConsumer used to interpret paths outside any specific context. This is the handler used at the root of the handler stack.

It can recognize any number of types of paths:

  • fully-qualified class names (entity or otherwise)
  • static field references, e.g. MyClass.SOME_FIELD
  • enum value references, e.g. Sex.MALE
  • navigable-path
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getCreationState

      protected SqmCreationState getCreationState()
    • getConsumedPart

      public SemanticPathPart getConsumedPart()
      Description copied from interface: DotIdentifierConsumer
      Get the currently consumed part. Generally called after the whole path has been processed at which point this will return the final outcome of the consumption
      Specified by:
      getConsumedPart in interface DotIdentifierConsumer
    • consumeIdentifier

      public void consumeIdentifier(String identifier, boolean isBase, boolean isTerminal)
      Description copied from interface: DotIdentifierConsumer
      Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
      Specified by:
      consumeIdentifier in interface DotIdentifierConsumer
      identifier - The current part of the path being processed
      isBase - Is this the base of the path (the first token)?
      isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
    • consumeTreat

      public void consumeTreat(String importableName, boolean isTerminal)
      Description copied from interface: DotIdentifierConsumer
      Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
      Specified by:
      consumeTreat in interface DotIdentifierConsumer
      importableName - The treat target entity name
      isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
    • reset

      protected void reset()
    • createBasePart

      protected SemanticPathPart createBasePart()