Interface DotIdentifierConsumer

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicDotIdentifierConsumer, QualifiedJoinPathConsumer, QualifiedJoinPredicatePathConsumer

public interface DotIdentifierConsumer
Consumes the parts of a path.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    consumeIdentifier(String identifier, boolean isBase, boolean isTerminal)
    Responsible for consuming each part of the path.
    consumeTreat(String entityName, boolean isTerminal)
    Responsible for consuming each part of the path.
    Get the currently consumed part.
  • Method Details

    • consumeIdentifier

      void consumeIdentifier(String identifier, boolean isBase, boolean isTerminal)
      Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
      identifier - The current part of the path being processed
      isBase - Is this the base of the path (the first token)?
      isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
    • consumeTreat

      void consumeTreat(String entityName, boolean isTerminal)
      Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
      entityName - The treat target entity name
      isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
    • getConsumedPart

      SemanticPathPart getConsumedPart()
      Get the currently consumed part. Generally called after the whole path has been processed at which point this will return the final outcome of the consumption