Interface QueryParameterBinding<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
ProcedureParameterBinding<T>, ProcedureParameterBindingImplementor<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ProcedureParameterBindingImpl, QueryParameterBindingImpl

@Incubating public interface QueryParameterBinding<T>
The value/type binding information for a particular query parameter. Supports both single-valued and multivalued binds
  • Method Details

    • isBound

      boolean isBound()
      Is any value (including null) bound? Asked another way, were any of the `#set` methods called?
    • isMultiValued

      boolean isMultiValued()
      Is the binding multivalued?
    • getQueryParameter

      QueryParameter<T> getQueryParameter()
    • getBindType

      BindableType<? super T> getBindType()
      Get the Type currently associated with this binding.
      The currently associated Type
    • getExplicitTemporalPrecision

      TemporalType getExplicitTemporalPrecision()
      If the parameter represents a temporal type, return the explicitly specified precision - if one.
    • setBindValue

      default void setBindValue(T value)
      Sets the parameter binding value. The inherent parameter type (if known) is assumed
    • setBindValue

      void setBindValue(T value, boolean resolveJdbcTypeIfNecessary)
      Sets the parameter binding value. The inherent parameter type (if known) is assumed. The flag controls whether the parameter type should be resolved if necessary.
    • setBindValue

      void setBindValue(T value, BindableType<T> clarifiedType)
      Sets the parameter binding value using the explicit Type.
      value - The bind value
      clarifiedType - The explicit Type to use
    • setBindValue

      void setBindValue(T value, TemporalType temporalTypePrecision)
      Sets the parameter binding value using the explicit TemporalType.
      value - The bind value
      temporalTypePrecision - The temporal type to use
    • getBindValue

      T getBindValue()
      Get the value current bound.
      The currently bound value
    • setBindValues

      void setBindValues(Collection<? extends T> values)
      Sets the parameter binding values. The inherent parameter type (if known) is assumed in regards to the individual values.
      values - The bind values
    • setBindValues

      void setBindValues(Collection<? extends T> values, BindableType<T> clarifiedType)
      Sets the parameter binding values using the explicit Type in regards to the individual values.
      values - The bind values
      clarifiedType - The explicit Type to use
    • setBindValues

      void setBindValues(Collection<? extends T> values, TemporalType temporalTypePrecision, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration)
      Sets the parameter binding value using the explicit TemporalType in regards to the individual values.
      values - The bind values
      temporalTypePrecision - The temporal type to use
    • getBindValues

      Collection<? extends T> getBindValues()
      Get the values currently bound.
      The currently bound values
    • getType

      Returns the inferred mapping model expressible i.e. the model reference against which this parameter is compared.
      the inferred mapping model expressible or null
    • setType

      boolean setType(MappingModelExpressible<T> type)
      Sets the mapping model expressible for this parameter.
      type - The mapping model expressible
      Whether the bind type was changed