Interface SelectQueryPlan<R>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregatedSelectQueryPlanImpl, ConcreteSqmSelectQueryPlan, NativeSelectQueryPlanImpl

@Incubating public interface SelectQueryPlan<R> extends QueryPlan
General contract for performing execution of a query returning results. These are the methods delegated to by the Query impls in response to Query.list(), Query.uniqueResult(), Query.uniqueResultOptional(), Query.getResultList(), Query.getSingleResult() and Query.scroll(). todo (6.0) : ? - can this be re-used for handling entity and collection loads as well? todo (6.0) : Stream/Spliterator version as well? depends on answer to ^^ short term it makes no sense to return a Stream/Spliterator for entity or collection loads. Long term it might if/when we start to define Session#stream(Class entityClass) style API