Package org.hibernate.query.sqm.function
Class AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor
extends AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
implements FunctionRenderer
Constructor Summary
(String name, @Nullable ArgumentsValidator argumentsValidator, @Nullable FunctionReturnTypeResolver returnTypeResolver, @Nullable FunctionArgumentTypeResolver argumentTypeResolver) AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor
(String name, FunctionKind functionKind, @Nullable ArgumentsValidator argumentsValidator, @Nullable FunctionReturnTypeResolver returnTypeResolver, @Nullable FunctionArgumentTypeResolver argumentTypeResolver) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiongenerateSqmAggregateFunctionExpression
(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this aggregate function with the given arguments.protected <T> SelfRenderingSqmFunction<T>
(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this function with the given arguments.generateSqmOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, SqmOrderByClause withinGroupClause, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this ordered set-aggregate function with the given arguments.protected <T> SelfRenderingSqmWindowFunction<T>
(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, Boolean respectNulls, Boolean fromFirst, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this window function with the given arguments.What sort of function is this?void
(SqlAppender sqlAppender, List<? extends SqlAstNode> sqlAstArguments, ReturnableType<?> returnType, SqlAstTranslator<?> walker) Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.query.sqm.function.AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
generateAggregateSqmExpression, generateOrderedSetAggregateSqmExpression, generateSqmExpression, generateWindowSqmExpression, getArgumentListSignature, getArgumentsValidator, getArgumentTypeResolver, getName, getReturnSignature, getReturnTypeResolver, getSignature
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.query.sqm.function.FunctionRenderer
render, render, render, render
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.query.sqm.function.SqmFunctionDescriptor
alwaysIncludesParentheses, generateSqmExpression, generateSqmExpression, isPredicate
Constructor Details
public AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor(String name, @Nullable ArgumentsValidator argumentsValidator, @Nullable FunctionReturnTypeResolver returnTypeResolver, @Nullable FunctionArgumentTypeResolver argumentTypeResolver) -
public AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor(String name, FunctionKind functionKind, @Nullable ArgumentsValidator argumentsValidator, @Nullable FunctionReturnTypeResolver returnTypeResolver, @Nullable FunctionArgumentTypeResolver argumentTypeResolver)
Method Details
public void render(SqlAppender sqlAppender, List<? extends SqlAstNode> sqlAstArguments, ReturnableType<?> returnType, SqlAstTranslator<?> walker) - Specified by:
in interfaceFunctionRenderer
Description copied from interface:SqmFunctionDescriptor
What sort of function is this?- Specified by:
in interfaceSqmFunctionDescriptor
- Returns:
by default
protected <T> SelfRenderingSqmFunction<T> generateSqmFunctionExpression(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Description copied from class:AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this function with the given arguments. This method may be overridden in the case of function descriptors that wish to customize creation of the node.- Specified by:
in classAbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
- Parameters:
- the arguments of the function invocationimpliedResultType
- the function return type as inferred from its usage
public <T> SelfRenderingSqmAggregateFunction<T> generateSqmAggregateFunctionExpression(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Description copied from class:AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this aggregate function with the given arguments. This method may be overridden in the case of function descriptors that wish to customize creation of the node.- Overrides:
in classAbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
- Parameters:
- the arguments of the function invocationimpliedResultType
- the function return type as inferred from its usage
public <T> SelfRenderingSqmOrderedSetAggregateFunction<T> generateSqmOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, SqmOrderByClause withinGroupClause, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Description copied from class:AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this ordered set-aggregate function with the given arguments. This method may be overridden in the case of function descriptors that wish to customize creation of the node.- Overrides:
in classAbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
- Parameters:
- the arguments of the function invocationimpliedResultType
- the function return type as inferred from its usage
protected <T> SelfRenderingSqmWindowFunction<T> generateSqmWindowFunctionExpression(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, SqmPredicate filter, Boolean respectNulls, Boolean fromFirst, ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType, QueryEngine queryEngine) Description copied from class:AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this window function with the given arguments. This method may be overridden in the case of function descriptors that wish to customize creation of the node.- Overrides:
in classAbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
- Parameters:
- the arguments of the function invocationimpliedResultType
- the function return type as inferred from its usage