Interface SqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSqmSelfRenderingSetReturningFunctionDescriptor, AbstractSqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor, CockroachDBJsonTableFunction, CteGenerateSeriesFunction, DB2JsonTableFunction, DB2UnnestFunction, DB2XmlTableFunction, GenerateSeriesFunction, H2GenerateSeriesFunction, H2JsonTableFunction, H2UnnestFunction, HANAGenerateSeriesFunction, HANAJsonTableFunction, HANAUnnestFunction, HANAXmlTableFunction, JsonTableFunction, MySQLJsonTableFunction, NamedSqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor, NumberSeriesGenerateSeriesFunction, OracleJsonTableFunction, OracleUnnestFunction, OracleXmlTableFunction, PostgreSQLJsonTableFunction, PostgreSQLUnnestFunction, SQLServerGenerateSeriesFunction, SQLServerJsonTableFunction, SQLServerUnnestFunction, SQLServerXmlTableFunction, SybaseASEGenerateSeriesFunction, SybaseASEUnnestFunction, SybaseASEXmlTableFunction, UnnestFunction, XmlTableFunction

@Incubating public interface SqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor
A factory for SQM nodes representing invocations of a certain named set-returning function.

When a function call is encountered in the text of an HQL query, a SqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor for the given name is obtained from the SqmFunctionRegistry, and the generateSqmExpression(java.util.List<? extends org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.SqmTypedNode<?>>, org.hibernate.query.spi.QueryEngine) method is called with SQM nodes representing the invocation arguments. It is the responsibility of the SqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor to produce a subtree of SQM nodes representing the function invocation.

The resulting subtree might be quite complex, since the SqmSetReturningFunctionDescriptor is permitted to perform syntactic de-sugaring. On the other hand, generateSqmExpression(java.util.List<? extends org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.SqmTypedNode<?>>, org.hibernate.query.spi.QueryEngine) returns SelfRenderingSqmSetReturningFunction, which is an object that is permitted to take over the logic of producing the SQL AST subtree, so de-sugaring may also be performed there.

User-written function descriptors may be contributed via a FunctionContributor. The SqmFunctionRegistry exposes methods which simplify the definition of a function, including SqmFunctionRegistry.namedSetReturningDescriptorBuilder(String, SetReturningFunctionTypeResolver).

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • generateSqmExpression

      <T> SelfRenderingSqmSetReturningFunction<T> generateSqmExpression(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, QueryEngine queryEngine)
      Instantiate this template with the given arguments and. This produces a tree of SQM nodes representing a tree of function invocations. This allows a single HQL function to be defined in terms of other predefined (database independent) HQL functions, simplifying the task of writing HQL functions which are portable between databases.
    • getSignature

      default String getSignature(String name)
      Used only for pretty-printing the function signature in the log.
      name - the function name
      the signature of the function
    • getArgumentsValidator

      ArgumentsValidator getArgumentsValidator()
      The object responsible for validating arguments of the function.
      an instance of ArgumentsValidator