Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Hibernate.
Contains implementations of SqmFunctionDescriptor describing a range of relatively-sophisticated SQL functions available in various dialects.
Defines the runtime mapping metamodel, which describes the mapping of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes) to relational database objects (tables, columns).
Validation for HQL queries.
Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution, query plans, query options, and query parameters.
An SPI for defining, registering, and rendering functions in HQL.
Package for the SQM-backed Query implementation details
Package defining support for SqmFunctionDescriptor handling.
Package for the translation of SQM into SQL AST
Nodes representing expressions in the SQM tree.
Nodes representing select statements in the SQM tree.
AST nodes representing expressions in a SQL tree.