Package org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain
package org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain
Nodes representing path expressions in the SQM tree.
ClassDescriptionModels a join based on a mapped attribute reference.AbstractSqmFrom<O,
T> Convenience base class for SqmFrom implementationsAbstractSqmJoin<L,R> AbstractSqmPluralJoin<L,C, E> Base support for joins to plural attributesSqmBagJoin<O,E> SqmCorrelatedBagJoin<O,T> SqmCorrelatedJoin<L,R> SqmCorrelatedMapJoin<L,K, V> SqmCorrelatedSetJoin<O,T> SqmCorrelation<L,R> Specialization ofSqmFrom
for sub-query correlationsSqmCteRoot<T>Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the foreign-key of a to-one association.SqmListJoin<O,E> SqmMapEntryReference<K,V> Represents the reference to a Map attribute'sMap.Entry
entries in a select clauseSqmMapJoin<L,K, V> SqmPath<T>Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmPathWrapper<W,T> SqmPath specialization for an SqmPath that wraps another SqmPathSqmPluralPartJoin<O,T> An SqmPath for plural attribute pathsActs as theEntityDomainType
for a "polymorphic query" grouping.SqmSetJoin<O,E> SqmSingularJoin<O,T> SqmTreatedBagJoin<L,R, R1 extends R> A TREAT form of SqmCrossJoinSqmTreatedEmbeddedValuedSimplePath<T,S extends T> SqmTreatedEntityJoin<L,R, S extends R> SqmTreatedEntityValuedSimplePath<T,S extends T> SqmTreatedFrom<L,R, R1 extends R> SqmTreatedJoin<L,R, R1 extends R> SqmTreatedListJoin<O,T, S extends T> SqmTreatedMapJoin<L,K, V, S extends V> SqmTreatedPath<T,S extends T> SqmTreatedSetJoin<O,T, S extends T> SqmTreatedSimplePath<T,S extends T> SqmTreatedSingularJoin<O,T, S extends T>