Class SqmPluralValuedSimplePath<E>

Type Parameters:
E - The collection element type, which is the "bindable" type in the SQM tree
All Implemented Interfaces:
Expression<E>, Path<E>, Selection<E>, TupleElement<E>, Serializable, JpaCriteriaNode, JpaExpression<E>, JpaPath<E>, JpaSelection<E>, JpaTupleElement<E>, SemanticPathPart, SqmPath<E>, SqmSimplePath<E>, SqmExpression<E>, SqmSelectableNode<E>, SqmExpressibleAccessor<E>, SqmNode, SqmTypedNode<E>, SqmVisitableNode

public class SqmPluralValuedSimplePath<E> extends AbstractSqmSimplePath<E>
An SqmPath for plural attribute paths
See Also: