Class SqmHqlNumericLiteral<N extends Number>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Expression<N>, Selection<N>, TupleElement<N>, Serializable, JpaCriteriaNode, JpaExpression<N>, JpaSelection<N>, JpaTupleElement<N>, SqmExpression<N>, SqmSelectableNode<N>, SqmExpressibleAccessor<N>, SqmNode, SqmTypedNode<N>, SqmVisitableNode

public class SqmHqlNumericLiteral<N extends Number> extends SqmLiteral<N>
Used to model numeric literals found in HQL queries.

Used instead of SqmLiteral which would require parsing the literal value to the specified number type to avoid loss of precision due to Float and Double being non-exact types.

See Also:
API Note:
Only used for HQL literals because we do not have this problem with criteria queries where the value given us by user would already be typed.