Interface LogicalConnection

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor, LogicalConnectionManagedImpl, LogicalConnectionProvidedImpl

public interface LogicalConnection
Represents a continuous logical connection to the database to the database via JDBC.

Under the covers, a physical JDBC Connection might be acquired and then released multiple times, but those details are hidden from clients.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes the logical connection, making it inactive and forcing release of any held resources.
    Provides access to the registry of JDBC resources associated with this logical connection.
    Is this (logical) JDBC connection still open/active?
    Is this logical connection currently physically connected?
  • Method Details

    • isOpen

      boolean isOpen()
      Is this (logical) JDBC connection still open/active?

      That is, has close() not yet been called?

      true if still open, since close() has not yet been called; false if not open, since close() was called.
    • close

      Connection close()
      Closes the logical connection, making it inactive and forcing release of any held resources.
      the JDBC Connection if the user passed in a Connection originally
      API Note:
      The return type accommodates legacy functionality for user-supplied connections.
    • isPhysicallyConnected

      boolean isPhysicallyConnected()
      Is this logical connection currently physically connected?

      That is, does it currently hold a physical JDBC Connection?

      true if currently holding a JDBC Connection; false if not.
    • getResourceRegistry

      ResourceRegistry getResourceRegistry()
      Provides access to the registry of JDBC resources associated with this logical connection.
      The JDBC resource registry.
      ResourceClosedException - if the LogicalConnection is closed